Pelvic fractures are commonly seen after car accidents and often need surgical repair. But it is rather unknown that damage to blood vessels can also lead to skin changes which are not visible immediately after the trauma. A colleague from Gent has collected three of these cats. A very informative case report!
An alopecia and dermatopathy following pelvic fractures associated with vehicular trauma is reported in three cats.
The animals presented 3-4 weeks post injury with acute hair loss, glistening appearance of the skin and erosions involving the lower back.
Histological examination revealed atrophy of the hair follicles and adnexal structures and follicular telogenization, dermal fibroplasia and mild lymphocytic infiltrate, fibroplasia and inflammation in the panniculus.
Vascular damage secondary to the external trauma to blood vessels supplying the skin over the lumbar region and subsequent ischaemia may represent the pathomechanism of this type of alopecia.
Focal permanent hair loss can be expected.
Source: Declercq J. (2004): Alopecia and dermatopathy of the lower back following pelvic fractures in three cats. In: Vet Dermatol. 2004 Feb;15(1):42-6.
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