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List of available case studies

Most veterinarians love to test and update their knowledge. One of the VetContact`s projects, “Edutainment” offers approximately 80 clinical cases for advanced training. Current test-yourself cases concern dermatology, exotic and small companion animals. Other areas of interest will be added soon.

This section is published in the form of multiple-choice tests. Most questions relate to one or more pictures or diagrams. Pictures and diagrams can be enlarged.

Case study of Dr. T. Göbel

Users are invited to read short case descriptions and answer questions. The answers are then evaluated. Finally the users can view a list of previous results and compare their results to the score of the other participants.

At the moment, the majority of the cases are in German, while cases on exotic and companion animals are presented in both German and English. Versions in other languages are being developed.

Furthermore, VetContact supports advanced veterinary training in cooperation with the European School for Advanced Veterinary Studies.


is supported by Bayer, Boehringer, Novartis and Virbac

Convertir la formación en entretenimiento

La comprobación y ampliación de los conocimientos puede suponer un desafío personal para muchos veterinarios. Una de las páginas web de VetContact ofrece unos 80 casos para la formación avanzada en dermatología, exóticos y animales de compañia bajo el encabezado «Edutainment» - vocablo inglés que designa el modo ameno y divertido de aprender. Continuamente se van añadiendo o áreas de interés nuevos.

Caso de estudio - ampliación de la fotografía

Esta sección se presenta en forma de pruebas de respuesta múltiple. La mayoría de las preguntas se refieren a una o más fotografías o diagramas. Es necesario responder las preguntas que acompañan a estas imágenes. Tanto las fotografías como los diagramas pueden ser ampliados.

Página de evaluación

Los veterinarios interesados pueden leer estos casos breves y responder las preguntas.
A continuación se evaluarán las respuestas dadas.

Por úlitimo, los usuarios pueden ver una lista con los resultados enteriores y comprobar qué respuestas han dado el resto de usuarios.

Por ahora, la mayoría de los casos se presentan en alemán, aunque también se presentan casos en alemán y en inglés. Se está trabajando para disponer de versiones en otros idiomas.

Además, VetContact apoya la formación veterinaria avanzada en colaboración con la European School for Advanced Veterinary Studies.

The closing ceremony
The closing ceremony will include a show presented by Bangkok (Thailand), the hosts of the WSAVA Congress 2003. At the end of this event, delegates will be offered a cocktail as a close to the Congress, on the roof terrace of the Congress Center – weather permitting.
Entertainment will also be provided by Los Manolos, a well-known Spanish band, which played during the closing ceremony… of the Olympic Games in Barcelona, ten years ago.

Sunday 6th October at 1.00 pm on the roof terrace.
In the land of the giant pandas
Due to a rapidly growing small animal market in China, Bayer Animal Health in Chengdu is currently considering organizing training courses for Chinese veterinarians in cooperation with the ESAVS. Veterinary universities in China do not currently offer specific courses of study in small animal medicine. One indication of how important small animal surgery, internal medicine and dermatology are was the visit by Dr. Hans-Joachim Koch (ESAVS) and Dr. Detlef Tinapp (Bayer AH, see picture) to the panda breeding station in Chengdu. Only a few of these animals remain, and they are extremely valuable. For both animal rights and economic reasons, the bears need to receive the best possible medical care. Internationally renowned experts therefore support the continued training of veterinarians and students in the coming years, with Bayer assuming a coordinating role.

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