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 | Edutainment - Vettests, Case Studies, CPD, Self-Assessment for Veterinarians and Technicians
VetContact offers these pages for your entertainment and education. You`ll find questions and answers relating to current topics in various areas of veterinary medicine.
Most of the questions have relevant pictures attached. Answers will include comments. Finally you can see which results were deemed correct by other participants.
 Skin lesions, hair loss, bilateral uveitis anterior...
Author: Dr. Stefanie Peters
 Oral lesions, periodontal probing...
Author: Dr. Phillippe Hennet
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Exotic Pets
 Ornamental birds, reptiles, rabbits, hamsters...
Author Dr. Thomas Göbel
 Sight problems, an acute onset, glaucoma, pupillary light reflex...
Author: Prof. Dr. Peter Bedford
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