Six rabbits naturally infested with Psoroptes cuniculi were treated topically on the skin at the base of the neck with 0.5 mg per kg of 0.5% pour-on eprinomectin for cattle, twice at 14-day intervals.
Efficacy of the drug was based on the disappearance of clinical signs and the absence of live mites for a period of 6 weeks.
Clinical improvement was seen within 3 days of the first application; however, complete recovery of clinical signs and elimination of mites in 5/6 rabbits did not occur until the end of the study.
No adverse reactions attributable to eprinomectin treatment were observed during the observation period.
Results of this trial indicated that eprinomectin was partially effective in the treatment of psoroptic mange in rabbits.
Source: ULUTAS, BULENT, VOYVODA, HUSEYIN, BAYRAMLI, GOKSEL & KARAGENC, TULIN (2005): Efficacy of topical administration of eprinomectin for treatment of ear mite infestation in six rabbits. In: Veterinary Dermatology 16 (5), 334-337.
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