This case report describes a highly pruritic, papular and crusted dermatitis affecting the dorsum of a dog and microscopically diagnosed as dermatitis induced by Straelensia cynotis.
Histologically, each papule was characterized by a dilated hair follicle with marked pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia, perifollicular mucinosis and an abundant mononuclear infiltration by plasma and mast cells.
Each dilated follicle contained a larval mite.
A therapy including systemic ivermectins and oral antibiotic therapy was initiated, but the clinical response was poor.
To the best of the authors` knowledge, this is the first report of straelensiosis in Portugal, and the second in Europe.
Source: SEIXAS, FERNANDA, TRAVASSOS, PAULO J., PINTO, MARIA L., CORREIA, JOÃO & PIRES, MARIA A. (2006): Dermatitis in a dog induced by Straelensia cynotis: a case report and review of the literature. In: Veterinary Dermatology 17 (1), 81-84.
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