Lawsonia intracellularis Proliferative Enteropathy in a Filly
This paper reports a PE caused by L. intracellularis in a 9-month-old Pura Raza Española filly with a history of profuse diarrhoea.
The horse was treated with antibiotics and additionally symptomatic with i.v. infusions etc. but was finally euthanized.
Pathological lesions consisted of a severe proliferative enteritis associated with argyrophilic bacteria in the apical cytoplasm of proliferating crypt epithelium.
Characteristic PCR products confirmed the presumptive diagnosis of L. intracellularis infection.
Source: Wuersch, K., Huessy, D., Koch, C. & Oevermann, A. (2006): Lawsonia intracellularis Proliferative Enteropathy in a Filly. In: Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A 53 (1), 17-21.
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