A 5-month-old mixed-breed filly presented with diarrhea due to Salmonella typhimurium infection and subsequently developed pneumonia in addition to ischemic necrosis of distal limbs.
Pulmonary lesions were characterized by numerous discrete, disseminated pyogranulomas with intralesional fungal hyphae.
The morphologic characteristics of fungal hyphae were consistent with Aspergillus spp., and large numbers of A fumigatus were isolated from lung tissue via fungal culture.
Lesions in all 4 limbs were similar in distribution, duration, and severity and were characterized by coagulation necrosis accompanied by occasional thrombi in small vessels without evidence of thrombosis of larger limb arteries.
Thus, limb lesions are consistent with symmetrical peripheral gangrene, a potential complication of sepsis.
Source: M. A. Breshears, T. C. Holbrook, C. E. Haak and P. A. York (2007): Pulmonary Aspergillosis and Ischemic Distal Limb Necrosis Associated with Enteric Salmonellosis in a Foal. In: Vet Pathol 44:215-217 (2007)
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