Oncura allows American practitioners to run cancer patients online
Oncura is an online cancer management program offered by oncologists to interested general practitioners. For $45 a month plus $150 initial consultation fee the subscribing veterinarian is provided with the diagnosis and therapeutic recommendations and even with the medications required...
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Oncura is the brainchild of Dr. Brian Huber, dipl. ABVP, and aids general practitioners in developing, implementing and operating successful oncology services for their patients, virtually eliminating the need to refer to a specialist.
Once cancer is confirmed with a biopsy report, Oncura oncologists consult with veterinarians on the complete health of the pet, type of cancer and available therapies. To simplify the drawing of blood and administration of chemotherapy, veterinarians are taught to surgically implant vascular access ports into patients. Oncura then provides the exact amount of drugs needed per case, prepackaged with protective gear, eliminating waste. Consultants and veterinarians manage cancer cases via e-mail and phone calls.
`We go case-by-case, step-by-step, injection-by-injection with the practicing veterinarian,` Huber says. `The system is extremely detailed and controlled by our consultants. Once practitioners get on board with us, we`re there to help these guys walk through their case. It`s not just e-mail. It`s true case management.`
Oncura actively works an average 35 to 70 cases a month. Clients include Banfield Pet Hospitals and National PetCare Centers as well as private practitioners.
Serving as consultants are Dr. Michael Lucroy, dipl. ACVIM, and Dr. Steven Susanic. Oncura medical directors are Dr. Philip Bergman, dipl. ACVIM, and Dr. Guy Mauldin, dipl. ACVIM.
Oncura doctors take phone calls, answer e-mails and practitioners can even attend training sessions at the Oncura facility in Dallas. `The system`s available to veterinarians anywhere in the country,` Huber says.
Source: Jennifer Fiala (2003): Practitioners run cancer cases with online system. In: DVM Newsmagazine May 1, 2003. www.newsmagazine.com/dvm/
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