Medical records from a veterinary teaching hospital were searched for the occurrence of CHF.
The effect of admission time, weekday, month, and season were analyzed separately using chi-square tests.
CHF presentations were largely confined to Monday and Tuesday (57%) and between 9 am and 11:59 am (55%). CHF was more common during September, October, and November (37%).
Information from this study may assist veterinarians in educating clients about the timing of clinical signs, and enable veterinary hospitals to anticipate CHF cases during certain times of the day and year.
Source: Steinberg, G. R., Byron, J. K. and Mahoney, M. M. (2012), A retrospective study of circadian and seasonal presentations of dogs with congestive heart failure: 119 cases (1997–2009). Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, 22: 341–346. doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2012.00748.x
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