Comparison of bacterial cultures results of urine with different sampling techniques
Bacterial Aerobic cultures are commonly indicated in dogs, and the sampling techniques vary between spontaneous urine, cystocentesis urine and transurethral cyctoscopically obtained mucosal samples. This study aimed to compare aerobic bacterial culture of urine to cystoscopically obtained mucosal biopsies of the lower urinary tract in dogs.
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Retrospective review of case records from dogs that had transurethral cystoscopy at a veterinary teaching hospital between 2002 and 2011 was performed.
Dogs that had culture results from cystocentesis obtained urine and transurethral cystoscopically obtained mucosal samples were included in the study.
Pathogens identified were compared between sampling methods.
Forty dogs underwent transurethral cystoscopy for lower urinary tract disease on 41 occasions.
There was significant (P = 0 · 0003) agreement between urine and mucosal biopsy cultures.
Both cultures were negative in 66% and positive in 17% of dogs.
There was a 17% disagreement between the sampling methods.
Although not statistically significant, more mucosal samples than urine cultures were positive for Escherichia coli.
There was a good agreement between pathogen identification from urine and lower urinary tract mucosal cultures.
These results do not support the utilisation of transurethral cystoscopy to obtain biopsy samples for culture in dogs with urinary tract infection and positive urine culture.
Individual cases with possible chronic urinary tract infection and negative urine culture may benefit from transurethral cystoscopy to obtain biopsies for culture.
Source: Sycamore, K. F., Poorbaugh, V. R., Pullin, S. S. and Ward, C. R. (2014), Comparison of urine and bladder or urethral mucosal biopsy culture obtained by transurethral cystoscopy, in dogs with chronic lower urinary tract disease: 41 cases (2002 to 2011). Journal of Small Animal Practice. doi: 10.1111/jsap.12225
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