Concentrations of whole blood l-lactate were measured using a portable analyser and a blood gas analyser.
The remainder of the sample was allowed to clot for centrifugation.
Serum was stored at −20°C for determination of l- and d- lactate by high-performance liquid chromatography.
D-lactate values by high-performance liquid chromatography were 0 · 17 ± 0 · 08 mmol/L.
L-lactate values were 5 · 1 (±2 · 1) mmol/L by high-performance liquid chromatography, 6 · 9 (±2 · 7) mmol/L with the portable analyser and 7 · 1 (±1 · 6) mmol/L with the blood gas analyser.
No significant difference (P > 0 · 05) was found between the two analysers.
Significant difference existed between serum l-lactate values obtained by high-performance liquid chromatography and the whole blood values obtained with the blood gas analyser (P < 0 · 01) and portable analyser (P < 0 · 05).
Serum concentrations of d-lactate in healthy rabbits are in the range of those of other mammals, whereas l-lactate values in healthy rabbits are higher compared with other mammals.
Good correlation was found between the portable and blood gas analysers for whole blood l-lactate measurement in healthy rabbits.
Source: Langlois, I., Planché, A., Boysen, S. R., Abeysekara, S. and Zello, G. A. (2014), Blood concentrations of d- and l-lactate in healthy rabbits. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 55: 451–456. doi: 10.1111/jsap.12247
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