A bilateral conjunctival neoplasm was surgically removed from a 13-year-old Domestic Short-haired female cat and examined by histopathology.
The neoplasm was infiltrative, nonencapsulated and composed of large sheets of densely packed, round to polygonal cells. Neoplastic cells were variably sized with scant to modest amounts of cytoplasm and oval to round nuclei.
On immunohistochemistry the neoplastic cells stained positively for BLA.36 and negative for CD-3 antibodies. On the basis of histopathology and immunohistochemical findings, a diagnosis of conjunctival B-cell lymphoma was made. This is the first case with immunohistochemical characterization of conjunctival lymphoma in a cat.
Source: Radi, Zaher A., Miller, Debra L. & Hines, Murray E. (2004): B-cell conjunctival lymphoma in a cat. In: Veterinary Ophthalmology 7 (6), 413-415.
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