New options in the therapy of yeast otitis
Yeast otitis is a very common and sometimes also very frustrating problem in dogs. Some ear cleansers and various topical medications, especially azoles, are effective. In this brand new placebo-controlled study, the efficacy of topical amino acid-complexed zinc gluconate formulated with boric acid (ZGB) or acetic acid (ZGA) was evaluated.
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The purpose of this 2-week, double-blinded, controlled clinical trial was to evaluate the efficacy of topical amino acid-complexed zinc gluconate formulated with boric acid (ZGB) or acetic acid (ZGA) versus a topical placebo in the treatment of yeast otitis externa in dogs.
Included in the study were dogs with otitis externa and a cytopathological finding of yeast organisms in the affected ear.
Ears were treated with the placebo, ZGA, or ZGB medications.
Yeast counts as well as clinical appearance of the ears were monitored.
Results revealed that ZGB significantly reduced the number of yeast organisms in cases of otitis externa.
Source: Colleen L. Mendelsohn, Craig E. Griffin, Wayne S. Rosenkrantz, Larry D. Brown, Mona J. Boord (2005): Efficacy of Boric-Complexed Zinc and Acetic-Complexed Zinc Otic Preparations for Canine Yeast Otitis Externa. In: Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association 41:12-21 (2005)
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