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13th European Congress of Veterinary Dentistry - Call for Papers
Manggha - Center of Japanese Art & Technology – Krakau (Polen) - 22.-24. October 2004

Important dates:
  • Early registration - till 1st September 2004
  • Late registration - till 10th October 2004

    The EVDS (European Veterinary Dental Society), EVDC (European Veterinary Dental College) and PSAVA (Polish Small Animal Veterinary Association) welcome proposals for papers to be presented at the 13th European Congress of Veterinary Dentistry in Krakow (Poland) on October 22-24, 2003. Papers within all fields relating to veterinary dentistry, including but not exclusively equine and exotic dentistry, will be considered for presentation. Either 20 or 30 minutes will be allowed for review lectures, original clinical studies, and original research studies. Speakers should indicate their time requirements when submitting proposals. Decision on the lectures` schedule, however, will be ultimately made by the organization committee. 15 to 20 minutes will be allowed for brief case reports. Posters are also welcome for exhibition; please include dimensions in centimeters.
    Proposals should be sent to the EVDS President Elect Dr Paul Cooper by mail or preferably by e-mail and must be received no later than April 15, 2004. The proposals should be in English, include a brief curriculum vitae and summary of no more than three A4-pages for review lectures and original studies and two A4-pages for case reports. Please, type the proposals using a 12 point Times Roman font and double spacing. Speakers but not poster authors will receive free registration to the EVDS meeting.

    Notification of acceptance will be sent no later than June 1, 2004

    Paul Cooper, BVSc MRCVS
    EVDS President Elect
    309 The Ridge
    East Sussex, TN34 2RA - UK
    Phone +44 1424 751595
    Fax +44 1424 756378
    E – mail: pcooper@vetdent.plus.com

    For more information please visit: www.evds.info

  •    13th European Congress of Veterinary Dentistry - Call for Papers
    IV Congreso de la EVSSAR
    Congreso EVSSAR (Sociedad Veterinaria Europea de Reproducción Animal)
    4, 5, 6 June 2004

    In June 2004 the EVSSAR will organised the IV European Congress on Reproduction, Exotic and Laboratory Animals. This congress will be organised by the EVSSAR in association with GERPAC and with AVEPA support. The Conference will take place in the Palais number 2 of the Fira Barcelona. You can see the program and more information in the congress web page www.avepa.org/evssar2004

    This 3 days congress will include sessions on male, female, and kennels related topics as you can see in the program in the WEB page. At the same time workshops will be organised on related topics with the objective to present step by step procedures in a face to face relation with the designed speakers.

    During the congress time periods will be dedicated for scientific and clinical papers presentation. This is a call at the same time for paper presentation please consider submitting abstracts for the short communications (see below).

    Information and manifest of intent have to be sent preferentially via internet to the Congress Technical secretariat evssar2004@pacifico-meetings.com or to the scientific secretariat barcelonacanarias@avepa.org

    Registration form

       IV Congreso de la EVSSAR
    Cursos Prácticos de Especialización en Clínica Equina
    “Especial Yeguadas 2004”
    Julio 2004

    Los Cursos Prácticos de Especialización en Clínica Equina, que se vienen celebrando desde hace tres años en Cantabria durante los meses de verano, forman parte de un programa de formación continuada para estudiantes y licenciados en veterinaria, interesados en la medicina equina, y han sido diseñados y elaborados por un equipo de veterinarios de diferentes universidades españolas, clínicas privadas y hospitales de referencia, con experiencia en la medicina y cirugía equina, así como en la docencia e investigación, queriendo aportar la experiencia de diferentes sectores profesionales en la formación y actualización de los veterinarios clínicos equinos y fomentar la colaboración entre centros de investigación y de referencia, y veterinarios que desarrollan su actividad en la clínica privada.

    La Programa

       Cursos Prácticos de Especialización en Clínica Equina
    39 Congreso Nacional Avepa 2004
    22, 23 y 24 de Octubre de 2004 - Madrid
    AVEPA en colaboración con RENFE, ofrece a los congresistas, acompañantes y expositores un bono descuento para viajar a Madrid en tren.

  • 30% en trenes de Grandes Líneas.
  • 30% en trenes Regionales y Cercanía.
  • 25% en trenes AVE.

    Solicite este bono rellenando el formulario que encontrará en la Información general de la Web de AVEPA, y en unos días lo recibirá por correo convencional.

    Este bono deberá ser presentado en los puntos de venta de RENFE (Agencias de Viaje y Estaciones).
    Cada bono es personal y sirve para un viaje de ida y vuelta. Por favor mencione el número de bonos que va a necesitar, un máximo de 3 por persona.

  •    39 Congreso Nacional Avepa 2004
    I Congreso FIAVAC
    Federación Iberoamericana de Asociaciones Veterinarias de Animales de Compañía
    Hotel Marriott, Quito, Ecuador
    del 16 al 20 de Agosto de 2004

    Para más información:


       I Congreso FIAVAC
    Pioneros en Europa: AVEPA y la UAB inician el Master en Administración y Dirección de Centros Veterinarios
    Permitirá a los veterinarios con responsabilidades de gestión adquirir formación empresarial específicamente adaptada a las necesidades de un centro veterinario. Conlleva la obtención del título oficial Master por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.

    Se trata de un programa académico de dos años y 324 horas lectivas de duración, diseñado para profesionales veterinarios propietarios y/o directores de centros veterinarios. Es compatible con el ejercicio profesional (se realiza un día a la semana de 9:30 de la mañana a 17:00 de la tarde), y sigue la estructura habitual de un programa de administración de empresas (MBA) pero con el valor añadido de adaptar sus contenidos y técnicas docentes al contexto de un centro veterinario.

    Este programa, primero de Europa en su género, es el resultado de un esfuerzo conjunto de AVEPA, el IVEE (Instituto Veterinario de Estudios Económicos) y la UAB (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona), y da inicio en su primera edición durante el mes de Octubre de 2005.

    Entre el profesorado del curso se encuentra una amplia variedad de profesionales de la dirección de empresas y de la consultoría de negocio, que pondrán especial énfasis en la adaptación de sus experiencias y materiales docentes a la realidad de los centros veterinarios españoles.

    Para más información sobre este programa académico por favor dirigirse a la página web de AVEPA (www.avepa.org), sección IVEE / Master en Administración y Dirección de Centros Veterinarios.

    II Simposio AVEPA sobre Dirección y Gestión de Centros Veterinarios: cita obligada en la agenda de los propietarios y/o directores de centros veterinarios

    Tras el notable éxito de asistencia y contenidos de la primera edición, AVEPA y el IVEE preparan ya una nueva edición de este evento. En esta ocasión la línea temática del simposio se centrará en la gestión de los recursos humanos, contando con la valiosa colaboración de dos destacados ponentes de la VPMA británica (Veterinary Practice Managers Association)

    El II Simposio AVEPA sobre Dirección y Gestión de Centros Veterinarios tendrá lugar los días 17 y 18 de Febrero de 2.006 en las instalaciones del Centro de Convenciones Príncipe Felipe – Hotel Madrid Auditorium. Recogiendo el creciente interés de los socios de AVEPA en relación a la gestión de los recursos humanos en los centros veterinarios, este evento contará con la participación de dos especialistas británicos –Maggie Shilcock y Steve Beddall- de la VPMA (Asociación Británica de Gerentes de Centros Veterinarios), acompañados de otros prestigiosos ponentes españoles, que desarrollarán el siguiente temario:

  • Sistemas de evaluación del rendimiento de los colaboradores
  • Selección del personal
  • Entrenamiento, supervisión y motivación de equipos humanos
  • La estrategia de precios como eje del marketing mix
  • El consentimiento informado del propietario: implicaciones legales para el centro veterinario
  • Caso práctico: implementación de la certificación ISO 9001 en un hospital veterinario
  • Como maximizar el valor económico de un centro veterinario
  • Cómo desarrollar una marca valiosa de servicios veterinario
  • Comunicaciones cortas y discusión
  • Presentación actividades IVEE*

    *El IVEE es una iniciativa impulsada por AVEPA con la misión de fomentar las competencias empresariales de los profesionales que trabajan en los centros veterinarios, con el objetivo de aumentar la creación de valor para sus propietarios, sus empleados, sus clientes y sus mascotas.

    40 Congreso Nacional Avepa 2005
    21-23 Octubre 2005

       40 Congreso Nacional Avepa 2005
    Mexico City
    11-14 Mayo 2005

    Essential Facts of Physiotherapy in Dogs and Cats
    with educational video on DVD
    ISBN 3-938274-09-3
    € 59,95

    The rehabilitation/physical therapy modalities available today supply fast and effective treatment strategies for postoperative care and pain management. In the present book, renowned European and American veterinary scientists have compiled their long years of experience in the application of these techniques in veterinary practice. It currently is the only book on the market specifically geared towards the practical implementation of these potent treatment methods in veterinary medicine. Each treatment modality is clearly and concisely described using extensive tables and illustrations.

    To ensure simple and selective implementation of the treatments, we have included:
    • Teatment protocols in `Indications`, the chapter in which all orthopedic and neurological indications for physical therapy are discussed.
    • Training videos to all treatment modalities on the DVD, including all important details and numerous tips to ensure easy mastery of the techniques in individual home study.
    Physical therapy encompasses an endless variety of treatment possibilities. The treatment modalities included in this book were selected with the following goals/criteria in mind:
    • Significant reduction of rehabilitation time after surgery
    • Fast and effective pain management for patients with acute and chronic pain
    Optimal postoperative care of orthopedic and neurological patients, or as an alternative to surgery in cases where surgery is not feasible for various reasons:
  • Easy mastery and application
  • Frequent use
  • Rapid onset of effect
  • Improve client-animal bonding by enlisting the animal owner in treatment
  • Cost-effectiveness

    Authors: Barbara Bockstahler, David Levine, Darryl Millis

    Buy this book

    Further information www.be-vetverlag.com

  •    Essential Facts of Physiotherapy in Dogs and Cats
    25th FECAVA EuroCongress 4-9 September 2019, St. Petersburg / Russia

    the best veterinary practices, the world-known lecturers, the unique place...

    Essential Facts on Blood Pressure in Dogs and Cats
    This is the first and only book to focus specifically on the different aspects of blood pressure in veterinary medicine. It is ment to be a practical guide and provide all the information needed to help integrate an understanding of blood pressure into every day clinical practice.
    216 pages, with 17 min. educational video on CD-ROM

    Hypertension is commonly found as a symptom of many major diseases and the possibility of monitoring blood pressure can often be of paramount importance for the successful treatment of these diseases.

    Hypertension is also a dangerous disease itself, because it not only leads to progression of the underlying cause (such as with renal disease), but it can also cause damage to other organs, like the eye, the heart, the kidney and the brain. Especially the eyes and the heart are frequently affected, thus a thorough examination of these organ systems is indicated in any patient, being diagnosed with hypertension.

    The book covers all topics relevant to blood pressure including physiology, hypotension, hypertension, therapy of blood pressure abnormalities, economics of blood pressure measurement and, most importantly, how to get a reliable and repeatable blood pressure reading.

    In order to offer the best support, this book also includes a very valuable 17 min. CD-Rom showing videos on how to reliable measure blood pressure in dogs and cats. The CD also demonstrates how to evaluate the eye and heart for endorgan damage.

    `This pioneering text will stand as a gateway to bring blood pressure (...) to position of importance and pertinence in contemporary veterinary practice.`

    Larry Cowgill/ Davis, President Elect of the Veterinary Blood Pressure Society (VBPS)

    ISBN 3-00-011096-8

    USD 59.90; € 59.90

    Buy this book

    Further information www.be-vetverlag.com

       Essential Facts on Blood Pressure in Dogs and Cats
    Los veterinarios lo viven siempre en la clínica: el propietario y el perro muestran a menudo, no sólo exteriormente sino también en el ser, asombrantes semejanzas. En un estudio americano ha sido esta observación comprobada.

    Investigadores de la Universidad de Texas en Austin se usaron en el test los mismos datos, lo cuales denotan la personalidad humana. Los resultados fueron presentados por el autor responsable Samuel Gosling en el congreso americano de unión de investigadores en Washington.

    Con ello, los perros pueden ser como hombres y mujeres, extrovertidos, sociables, curiosos y aventureros, miedosos o valientes y estable emocionalmente o inestable. Las hienas también poseen algunas de estas cualidades así como otros resultados.


    WSAVA 2005 - Mexico

    Congress News
    1st Issue

    Congress News
    2nd Issue

    Cataratas espontáneas son vistas habitualmente en perros viejos, y todo profesional sabe que hay ciertas razas que parecen estar sobreexpuestas. ¿Pero es esto verdad? Uno de los interesantes y bien sorprendentes resultados de este estudio: los Fox Terriers tienen mayor prevalencia de esta enfermedad que los miniaturas o Toy Poodles – ¡al menos en los Estados Unidos!

    El objetivo del estudio fue el determinar la prevalencia de las cataratas en perros presentados en los hospitales veterinarios en Norte América entre 1964 y 2003.

    Un estudio retrospectivo de todos los perros presentados con cataratas en los hospitales veterinarios de Norte América entre 1964 y 2003 fue conducido para determinar la prevalencia de cataratas.

    Las diferentes décadas, cruces, género y edad fueron comparadas al tiempo de presentación de las cataratas.

    La prevalencia de cataratas en los perros presentados, varió por décadas y rangos de 0.95% (196473), 1.88% (197483), 2.42% (19942003), a 3.5% (198493).

    El número total de perros presentados con cataratas por encima de 40 años fue 39229. Desde 1964 a 2003 la prevalencia en la formación de cataratas en esta población de pacientes incrementó en 255% aproximadamente.

    Cincuenta y nueve cruces de perros estuvieron afectados por cataratas por debajo de la línea base de prevalencia de 1.61% visto en razas cruzadas o híbridas de perros.

    Las razas con mayor prevalencia de cataratas incluyeron: Smooth Fox Terrier (11.70%), Havanese (11.57%), Bichon Frise (11.45%), Boston Terrier (11.11%), Miniature Poodle (10.79%), Silky Terrier (10.29%) y Toy Poodle (10.21%).

    Las razas con mayor número de perros con cataratas durante las cuatro décadas fueron Boston Terrier (11.11%), Poodle miniatura (10.79%), American Cocker Spaniel (8.77%), Standard Poodle (7.00%), and Schnauzer miniatura (4.98%).

    El género de los perros con cataratas pareció afectar limitadamente a las razas.

    La edad de presentación fue variable en las diferentes razas.
    En la población base de cruces/híbridos, la formación de cataratas pareció estar ligado a la edad, y se observó una mayor frecuencia en perros de más de 4-7 años.

    La formación de cataratas es una de las enfermedades oculares más relevantes en la población de perros, y en unos 60 razas de perros, la prevalencia de cataratas excede la línea base del grupo de cruces o híbridos.

    La prevalencia de las cataratas está, por tanto, influenciada por la edad en la mayoría de perros y afecta al 16.80% de la población de perros cruzados entre 7-15 años. El total de la prevalencia de cataratas en perros parece ser muy similar al humano.

    Fuente: Gelatt, Kirk N. & MacKay, Edward O. (2005): Prevalence of primary breed-related cataracts in the dog in North America. In: Veterinary Ophthalmology 8 (2), 101-111

    Las máscaras de oxígeno de los centros de urgencia ya no son las únicas que salvan vidas cada día. Ahora se usan de otra manera con mucho éxito: los bomberos les han adoptado para impedir que los perros y gatos se intoxiquen con el humo.

    Y no es difícil entenderlo: esas máscaras permiten una buena estanqueidad alrededor del hocico del animal, así que éste tiene mayor probabilidad de sobrevivir, según los bomberos. Está conectado a un tanque que le proporciona oxígeno mientras los bomberos le conduce a salvo.

    La División de Medicina Veterinaria Smith, el diseñador de las máscaras, ha vendido más máscaras en el ultimo año que en los 15 años anteriores, gracias a un interes creciente de la gente, según Kansas City Star.
    El dinero para comprar esas máscaras vienen de agencias humanas y de donaciones privadas.

    Fuente: www.dvmnewsmagazine.com/dvm

    Small Animal Reproduction I
    Under the scientific responsibility of the European Veterinary Society for Small Animal Reproduction (EVSSAR) a new training programme Small Animal Reproduction is offered by European School for Advanced Veterinary Studies (ESAVS).
    Nantes / France
    12-17 September 2005

       Small Animal Reproduction I
    Las máscaras de oxígeno de los centros de urgencia ya no son las únicas que salvan vidas cada día. Ahora se usan de otra manera con mucho éxito: los bomberos les han adoptado para impedir que los perros y gatos se intoxiquen con el humo.

    Y no es difícil entenderlo: esas máscaras permiten una buena estanqueidad alrededor del hocico del animal, así que éste tiene mayor probabilidad de sobrevivir, según los bomberos. Está conectado a un tanque que le proporciona oxígeno mientras los bomberos le conduce a salvo.
    La División de Medicina Veterinaria Smith, el diseñador de las máscaras, ha vendido más máscaras en el ultimo año que en los 15 años anteriores, gracias a un interes creciente de la gente, según Kansas City Star.

    El dinero para comprar esas máscaras vienen de agencias humanas y de donaciones privadas.


    ESVN-ECVN Symposium 2018
    We welcome you to wonderful Copenhagen where we will entertain you with stimulating scientific sessions, neuronal networking and out-of-this world experiences.

    The theme is: Evidence-based Neurology: Neuro signs to Neuroscience - and back

       ESVN-ECVN Symposium 2018
    La diálisis peritoneal es un método eficiente pero lento, por lo que se realiza en su mayor parte en el seno de la clinica. Es interesante en el tratamiento de la insuficiencia renal aguda del perro: 4 de los 5 perros con insuficiencia renal aguda consecutiva a una leptospirosis superaron la enfermedad.

    La diálisis peritoneal (DP) ha sido utilizada como tratamiento de 5 perros con insuficiencia renal aguda (IRA) causada por leptospirosis.

    Todos recibieron fluidos intravenosos y ampicilina antes de la DP.

    La edad media de los perros era de 5 años (en total, 26 años). En todos se observó la presencia de Leptospira bratislava. La duración media de la DP fue de 4 días (en total, 316 días).

    La consecuencia de la DP fue una reducción de la azotemia en todos los perros. La concentración media en nitrógeno sérico era de 192 mg/dL al principio (en total, 140235 mg/dL) y de 63 mg/dL después de la DP (en total, 48139 mg/dL). La concentración media en creatinina sérica era de 12,8 mg/dL antes de la DP (total: 7.716.9 mg/dL) y 3,4 mg/dL después (en total, 1.411.1 mg/dL).

    La complicaciones observadas durante la DP fueron: hipokalemia (n=3, 60%), hipoalbuminemia (n=2, 40%), síntomas nerviosos (n=2, 40%), rentención del líquido de dialisis (n=1, 20%) y fugas desde el cateter (n=1, 20%).

    No se observó peritonitis en ninguno de los casos.
    Cuatro perros (80%) superaron la enfermedad. La DP ha sido eficaz para reducir la uremia en perros con IRA provocada por leptospirosis.

    Fuente: Beckel, Nicole F., O`Toole, Therese E., Rozanski, Elizabeth A. & Labato, Mary A. (2005): Peritoneal dialysis in the management of acute renal failure in 5 dogs with leptospirosis. In: Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care 15 (3), 201-205.


    Hasta ahora sólo en Japón, pero es de esperar que el ejemplo se imite en todo el mundo: todos los reptiles, que puedan ser peligrosos para el hombre, deben ser identificados con un microchip. La administración reacciona así a una serie de accidentes con reptiles como pitones, cocodrilos y otros animales (entre ellos salamandras gigantes) los cuales se escaparon.

    Los chips serán implantados en 650 tipos de animales, para así obtener la información del propietario en un animal que se haya escapado. La lista de los animales afectados incluye junto a reptiles, también otros ilustres animales domésticos como los osos.

    La nueva norma, que debe comenzar el próximo Enero, será considerada como necesaria, ya que cada vez más animales se escapan de casa. En Tokio ocurren semanalmente cada vez más casos-sólo con reptiles.

    Fuente: Reuters, 13.10.05

    Programa de Cursos 2006 / Pequeños Animales

       Programa de Cursos 2006 / Pequeños Animales
    ESFM Feline Congress
    European Society of Feline Medicine
    Rome, Italy
    8 - 10 September 2006
    First class cpd lectures in the comfortable venue, in the fantastic location...

       ESFM Feline Congress

    31st WSAVA, 12th FECAVA, 14th CSAVA Congress 2006
    278 lectures in 28 scientific disciplines presented by 100 top speakers from all continents.

    Surgical Conference Purinapartners, Moscow, Russia, September 8-9, 2017

       Surgical Conference Purinapartners, Moscow, Russia, September 8-9, 2017
    Endoscopy Intensive Course
    10-14 July 2006
    Brno, Czech Republic


    ECVN and ESVN Annual Veterinary Neurology Symposium
    29 - 30 September 2006
    Barcelona, Spain

       ECVN and ESVN Annual Veterinary Neurology Symposium

    Veterinary Dermatology Intensive Course
    The successful management of skin diseases and dermatological disorders in animals.
    ESAVS: Vienna, Austria
    24 July - 4 August 2006

    Professional Development
    Veterinary Continuing Education

  • Veterinary Neurology I
    21 - 25 October 2006
    Berne / Switzerland



    WSAVA Congress Newspaper 2006

    10 - 11 October 2006
    Issue No 1

    12 October 2006
    Issue No 2

    13 - 14 October 2006
    Isssue No 3

    Join the 11th Eurasia Veterinary Conference at the island Zanzibar, Tansania 2018

       Join the 11th Eurasia Veterinary Conference at the island Zanzibar, Tansania 2018
    Canadian Veterinary Medical Association - CVMA Convention 2007
    Top-notch continuing education in veterinary medicine, the opportunity to see old friends and make new ones, a beautiful part of Canada worth visiting – that is what the 59th CVMA Convention experience is all about.
    Companion Animal, Bovine, Equine and Other...

       Canadian Veterinary Medical Association - CVMA Convention 2007
    Courses for Veterinarians 2007
    Order the ESAVS free information brochure and learn more about the veterinary intensive training programs in over 16 disciplines in Europe and Asia.
  • Small Animals,
  • Exotic Pets,
  • Equine Medicine

  •    Courses for Veterinarians 2007
    Annual Meeting of the European Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging 2007
    August 29th - Sept 1st 2007
    Thessaloniki / Greece

    22nd Annual Veterinary Dermatology Congress of ESVD-ECVD
    Congress Centrum Mainz
    13. - 15. September 2007

    ESVD/ECVD Pre-Congress Symposium
    12th September 2007
    The Kurhaus Wiesbaden

       22nd Annual Veterinary Dermatology Congress of ESVD-ECVD
    WSAVA and FECAVA 2017 Congress

       WSAVA and FECAVA 2017 Congress
    Veterinary Neurology Symposium 2007

    Theme: Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the nervous system in animals.


    13th FECAVA Congress 2007
    The event will be both an impressive intellectual and educational forum at highest standard as well as a delightful social experience!
    FECAVA Congress
    Dubrovnik, Croatia
    29 March - 1 April 2007

       13th FECAVA Congress 2007
    18th to 21st May 2017
    Malaga / Spain
    Education with bite!

    ACVIM Forum 2017 - Innovation, Science and Beyond

       ACVIM Forum 2017 - Innovation, Science and Beyond
    SEVC 2007 - Southern European Veterinary Conference in Barcelona, Spain
    19-21 Octubre 2007
    El nuevo evento de formación continuada en Europa - Organizado por: AVEPA y NAVC

    Conference Registration Fees

       SEVC 2007 - Southern European Veterinary Conference in Barcelona, Spain
    6th European Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Congress 2007
    EVECCS Congress
    8th - 10th June 2007
    Vienna, Austria

    The main aim of the European Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society is to promote the study, development, and practice of veterinary emergency medicine and critical patient care in Europe.

        6th European Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Congress 2007

    International Veterinary Ophthalmology Meeting in Genova, Italy

    Joint Meeting
    30th May to 3rd June 2007

    10th World Veterinary Dental Congress, Brasil, 25 -27 April 2007
    The 10th edition of the World Veterinary Dental Congress will consist of three full days of scientifi c and clinical reports, which will be presented in conference and poster sessions.
    The main objective of the event will be to share information and to bring together professionals of three important areas in animal dentistry: small animals, equines and wild life.

       10th World Veterinary Dental Congress, Brasil, 25 -27 April 2007

    32nd WSAVA Congress 2007
    Sydney, Australia
    19 - 23 August 2007
    Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre
    Darling Harbourg

  • View Scientific Program
  • View List of Invited Speakers

    32nd World Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress 2007 - See you in Sydney!


    2nd International Symposium on Pet Bird Nutrition, 4 - 5 October 2007, Hannover, Germanypdf opens in new window

       2nd International Symposium on Pet Bird Nutrition, 4 - 5 October 2007, Hannover, Germany
    ECVIM-CA Congress in Budapest / Hungary 2007
    This Congress organized by the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine offers an excellent program with cutting edge information in various disciplines of veterinary medicine.
    13 - 15 September 2007


       ECVIM-CA Congress in Budapest / Hungary 2007
    ESAVS Courses for Veterinarians and Nurses - 2008
    Order the ESAVS free information brochure 2008 and learn more about the veterinary intensive training programs in over 16 disciplines in Europe and Asia.
  • Small Animals,
  • Exotic Pets,
  • Equine Medicine

  •    ESAVS Courses for Veterinarians and Nurses - 2008
    The Hugo Schindelka Award
    The World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology Association invites nominations for The Hugo Schindelka Award.
    Extended Nomination Period! 15th February 08

       The Hugo Schindelka Award
    7th European Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Congress 2008
    7th EVECCS Congress
    29th May - 1st June 2008
    Göteborg, Sweden

    The main aim of the European Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society is to promote the study, development, and practice of veterinary emergency medicine and critical patient care in Europe.

       7th European Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Congress 2008

    WSAVA, FECAVA, VICAS Congress 2008
    20 - 24 August 2008
    Dublin, Ireland

    The Veterinary Ireland Companion Animal Society (VICAS) will host the World’s companion animal veterinarians to the 33rd WSAVA Congress and 14th European, FECAVA Congress in 2008 in Dublin, Ireland.
    We look forward to welcoming you to Ireland!

    Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy of Small Animals
    Intensive training with workshops for veterinarians and qualified clinic technicians.
    14 - 18 April 2008
    ESAVS: University of Luxembourg

       Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy of Small Animals
    Veterinary European Equine Meeting - 14th SIVE Congress
    Venice, Italy
    January 25th-27th, 2008

    Owing to the presence of international invited speakers, the congress will be an educational opportunity for both specialised practitioners and students or new graduates.


       Veterinary European Equine Meeting - 14th SIVE Congress
    4th Annual Convention of the Austrian Association of Equine Practitioners


    29 February - 2 March 2008
    Hotel Loipersdorf Spa & Conference
    Stmk, Austria

    Equine Conference Programme

       4th Annual Convention of the Austrian Association of Equine Practitioners
    WCVD6 - World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology 2008, Hong Kong
    The World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology in Hong Kong in 2008 will combine the excitement of exotic and luxurious Hong Kong with an innovative scientific program in Veterinary Dermatology.

        WCVD6 - World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology 2008, Hong Kong
    Course: Radiology in Small Animals

    This intensive course in veterinary radiology is designed for veterinarians who wish to broaden their knowledge in diagnostic radiology of companion animals.

    25 - 29 March 2008
    Course masters:

  • Prof. dr. Paul Barthez
  • Prof. Dr. Mark Flückiger

    Course programme

  •    Course: Radiology in Small Animals
    EVDI Annual Conference - EAVDI / ECVDI Joint Meeting 2008
    6 - 9 August 2008
    Svolvaer, Norway

    European Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging is looking forward to welcome you in Norway.

       EVDI Annual Conference - EAVDI / ECVDI Joint Meeting 2008
    Reproduction Congress: ISCFR and EVSSAR Joint Meeting 2008
    6th International Symposium on Canine and Feline Reproduction (ISCFR) and 6th Biannual Congress of European Veterinary Society for Small Animal Reproduction (EVSSAR)
    9 - 11 July 2008
    Vienna, Austria

       Reproduction Congress: ISCFR and EVSSAR Joint Meeting 2008
    SIVE Seminar - Equinepdf opens in new window
    Malpensa Cavalli
    Busto Arsizio (VA), Italy
    March 29th 2008


       SIVE Seminar - Equine
    ESAVS Courses for the Veterinary Profession - 2017

    Order the ESAVS free information brochure 2017 and learn more about the veterinary intensive training programs in over 20 disciplines in Europe and Asia.
  • Small Animals,
  • Exotic Pets,
  • Equine Medicine

    Course Overview: www.esavs.org


    ECVIM-CA Congress
    4 - 6 September, 2008
    Ghent, Belgium

    European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine - Companion Animals

    SEVC 2008 - Southern European Veterinary Conference in Barcelona, Spain
    17-19 October 2008
    El evento de formación continuada en Europa - Organizado por: AVEPA y NAVC

       SEVC 2008 - Southern European Veterinary Conference in Barcelona, Spain
    RECENT ADVANCES IN REPRODUCTION: Small Animals, Exotic Pets...
    Intensive course for veterinarians

    15 – 19 September 2008
    Milan / Italy

    Organized by ESAVS and EVSSAR
    Further information

       RECENT ADVANCES IN REPRODUCTION: Small Animals, Exotic Pets...
    ESVOT Congress 2008
    The Cutting Edge in Veterinary Orthopaedics CE

    An event of the European Society of Veterinary Orthopaedics and Traumatology.

    10 - 14 September 2008
    Munich, Germany

       ESVOT Congress 2008
    Eurasia Veterinary Conference - 2009
    Bali, Indonesia, 16 - 20 February 2009
  • Small animal continuing education at one of the world`s most beautiful locations.
  • Internationally renowned European specialists present the most recent information about current veterinary diagnostics and therapy of small animal internal medicine.

    Congress language is English and German in separate sessions.

    Further information and registration...

  •    Eurasia Veterinary Conference - 2009
    ESAVS Courses for Veterinarians and Nurses - 2009
    Order the ESAVS free information brochure 2009 and learn more about the veterinary intensive training programs in over 16 disciplines in Europe and Asia.
  • Small Animals,
  • Exotic Pets,
  • Equine Medicine

    Course Overview: www.esavs.org

  •    ESAVS Courses for Veterinarians and Nurses - 2009
    27-28-29 Noviembre 2009
    Lille, Francia


    Tres asociaciones de tres grandes países se han reunido para organizar un gran evento... El congreso FECAVA 2009, organizado por AFVAC (Francia), SAVAB (Bélgica) y LAK (Luxemburgo).

    El programa científico se compone de presentaciones de numerosos temas de nivel completo (comprensible) y avanzado (promus), realizadas por oradores de reconocido prestigio procedentes de diversos lugares de Europa.Se propondrá un interesante y encantador programa con un toque local...

    Cualquiera que sea el lugar donde usted vive y trabaja, debería plantearse acudir al congreso de Lille FECAVA 2009!

    European Veterinary Dental Society Annual Congress
    10-12 September 2009

    Hotel Renaissance
    Vetsuisse Faculty University Zurich


       European Veterinary Dental Society Annual Congress
    Horses travel, Diseases spread…pdf opens in new window
    Protecting against Equine Diseases in a Changing International Environment.

    Event organized by Fort Dodge – World Equine Leaders – 1st to licence a West Nile virus vaccine in Europe

    Equine disease seminar in conjunction with the University of Kentucky and University of Padova
    10-12 June 2009
    Venue: Padova, Italy

    View Announcement

       Horses travel, Diseases spread…
    8th Emergency Care Congress - EVECCS - Berlin 2009
    European Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society Congress
    Berlin, Germany
    12-14 June 2009
    11 June 2009 Precongress Day
    Topic: LET IT FLOW

       8th Emergency Care Congress - EVECCS - Berlin 2009
    Courses for Equine Practitioners 2009pdf opens in new window

  • Advanced Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy
    Neustadt (Dosse) / Germany
    10-14 August 2009

  • Dental Problems in Horses
    Hannover / Germany
    31 August-4 September 2009

  •    Courses for Equine Practitioners 2009
    6th EVSSAR Annual Symposium - Animal Reproduction - 2009

    Wroclaw, Poland
    6 June 2009

  • Scientific Program
  • Abstracts Submission
  • Registration

    EVSSAR website

  •    6th EVSSAR Annual Symposium - Animal Reproduction - 2009
    2009 ACVIM Forum & CVMA Convention

    In June of 2009, Montréal will be the site of the most important gathering of the veterinary medical community in North America.

    The American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine will join with the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association to showcase the latest developments in research, treatment, products and innovations from around the globe.

    Montréal, Québec (Canada)
    June 3 - 6, 2009


    Due to the popularity of the WSAVA Sao Paulo World Congress, all delegate spots are sold out and no further regsitrations can be accepted. If you wish to register in our waiting list you can send an e-mail to: congressos@nielsen.com with your full name and telephone and we will contact you if we have any desistance.
    Thank you
    WSAVA 2009 - Brazil

    23rd Annual Veterinary Dermatology Congress of ESVD-ECVD
    Bled, Slovenia
    17. - 19. September 2009

    ESVD/ECVD Pre-Congress Symposium
    16. September 2009
    Golf Hotel Bled

    ECVIM-CA Congress in Porto / Portugal 2009

    This Congress organized by the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine offers an excellent program with cutting edge information in various disciplines of veterinary medicine.

    Porto / Portugal
    8 - 10 September 2009


    ESAVS Courses for Veterinarians and Nurses – 2010
    Order the ESAVS free information brochure 2010 and learn more about the veterinary intensive training programs in over 20 disciplines in Europe and Asia.
  • Small Animals,
  • Exotic Pets,
  • Equine Medicine

    Course Overview: www.esavs.org

  •    ESAVS Courses for Veterinarians and Nurses – 2010
    VEPRA Conference 2010

    Veterinary European Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Association
    Physical therapy of the stifle

    15th - 16th May 2010
    Zagreb, Croatia

       VEPRA Conference 2010
    5th Turkish Veterinary Pathology Congress with International Contribution
    14-18 September 2010
    Bursa, Turkey

       5th Turkish Veterinary Pathology Congress with International Contribution
    European Veterinary Ophthalmology Conference
    13th – 16th May 2010
    Dublin, Ireland

       European Veterinary Ophthalmology Conference
    SEVC 2009 - Southern European Veterinary Conference

    1-4 October 2009
    Barcelona / Spain

    Veterinary continuing education event organized by AVEPA and NAVC

       SEVC 2009 - Southern European Veterinary Conference
    2nd FASAVA 2009 - Veterinary Congress in Asia

    The first joint effort of WSAVA, NAVC, FASAVA.
    The biggest event in Asia!

    3-5 November 2009
    Bangkok / Thailand


       2nd FASAVA 2009 - Veterinary Congress in Asia
    EVDI Annual Conference 2010
    21-25 July 2010
    Giessen, Germany

    Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

    diagnostic imaging in veterinary medicine

       EVDI Annual Conference 2010
    European Veterinary Conference `the Voorjaarsdagen`
    22-24 April 2010
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands

       European Veterinary Conference `the Voorjaarsdagen`
    ACVIM Congress 2010

    The highest standards of care for your patients while pushing the envelope of discoveries in internal medicine.

    ACVIM Forum
    9-12 June 2010
    Anaheim, California, USA

       ACVIM Congress 2010

    WSAVA 2010 Congress

    35th Annual World Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress

    2-5 June 2010
    Geneva / Switzerland

    Veterinary Oncology – ESAVS Intensive Course

    This course is designed for veterinarians wishing to broaden their knowledge in diagnosis and how to treat oncological diseases.

    Participants are welcome to prepare some interesting cases from their own practice to consult with the specialists during the 5-day training.

    European School for Advanced Veterinary Studies
    12-16 July 2010

    Course details

       Veterinary Oncology – ESAVS Intensive Course
    SEVC Congress 2010

    12th Conference of the European Wildlife Disease Association (EWDA)
    27 - 31 August 2016
    Berlin, Germany

    This biannual conference aims to foster the exchange of knowledge and ideas between wildlife scientists from different disciplines, to present the latest advances and to stimulate future research. To this aim, the selected plenary talks and workshops will cover a diverse range of fascinating topics.

       12th Conference of the European Wildlife Disease Association (EWDA)
    20th ECVIM-CA Annual Congress - 2010
    9 - 11 Septembre 2010
    Toulouse / France

    Expect high scientific level talks on various topics in internal medicine given by experts in their respective field!

       20th ECVIM-CA Annual Congress - 2010
    European Congress of Veterinary Dentistry
    25-26 September 2010
    Nice, France

    The Congress is an educational and scientific meeting for veterinarians with an interest in dentistry, oral medicine and oral surgery.


       European Congress of Veterinary Dentistry
    25th European Congress of Veterinary Dentistry
    19-22 May 2016
    Dublin / Ireland

       25th European Congress of Veterinary Dentistry
    24th Congress of the European Society and College of Veterinary Dermatology

    ESVD-ECVD Congress
    23-25 September 2010
    Florence - Italy


       24th Congress of the European Society and College of Veterinary Dermatology
    ESVD-ECVD Pre-Congress Symposium
    22 September 2010
    Firenze - Italy


       ESVD-ECVD Pre-Congress Symposium
    PractiVet - Moscow, Russia 2011

       PractiVet - Moscow, Russia 2011
    17th FECAVA Eurocongress 2011

    Istanbul, Turkey
    7-10 September 2011

    As the meeting point between Asia and Europe, Istanbul signifies the aims of FECAVA and this unique veterinary event - to advance the profession, strengthen community, and facilitate communication between colleagues.

       17th FECAVA Eurocongress 2011
    AFVAC Congress 2010 - Paris

    7th World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology 2012
    24 - 28 July 2012
    Vancouver, Canada

       7th World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology 2012
    ESAVS Courses for the Veterinary Profession - 2011
    Order the ESAVS free information brochure 2011 and learn more about the veterinary intensive training programs in over 20 disciplines in Europe and Asia.
  • Small Animals,
  • Exotic Pets,
  • Equine Medicine

    Course Overview: www.esavs.org

  •    ESAVS Courses for the Veterinary Profession - 2011
    ACVIM Forum - Denver 2011
    15 - 18 June 2011
    Denver (CO) / USA

    The premier event featuring leading-edge veterinary internal medicine, strong educational programming, and unparalleled networking opportunities.

       ACVIM Forum - Denver 2011
    ESVD-ECVD Annual Congress 2011

    European Veterinary Dermatology Congress

    Brussels / Belgium
    8th - 10th September 2011

    Square Brussels Meeting Center

       ESVD-ECVD Annual Congress 2011
    European Veterinary Conference 2011
    27-29 April 2011

       European Veterinary Conference 2011
    11th EAAV and 1st ECZM Conference 2011
    Avian and Zoological Medicine Meeting
    26-30 April 2011
    Madrid / Spain

       11th EAAV and 1st ECZM Conference 2011
    Clasificados - Usuario y Usuario Premium / Top

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  • Máximo 2 anuncios gratis
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    2011 - Physical therapy of the spinal cord

    17-18 September 2011
    Warsaw / Poland

    This conference will be dedicated to therapeutic approaches to neurological rehabilitation.

        2011 - Physical therapy of the spinal cord
    20th European Congress of Veterinary Dentistry

    1-3 September 2011
    Chalkidiki / Greece

    The European Congress of Veterinary Dentistry is an educational and scientific meeting for veterinarians with an interest in dentistry, oral medicine and oral surgery.

       20th European Congress of Veterinary Dentistry
    SEVC Congress 2011

    Eurasia Veterinary Conference 2012

       Eurasia Veterinary Conference 2012
    AFVAC, AVEF and SNVEL - Joint Annual Congress 2011
    2 - 4 December 2011
    Lyon Convention Centre

       AFVAC, AVEF and SNVEL - Joint Annual Congress 2011
    European Veterinary Conference - Voorjaarsdagen 2012
    5-7 April 2012
    Amsterdam / Netherlands

       European Veterinary Conference - Voorjaarsdagen 2012
    7th International Symposium of Veterinary Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy

    15 - 18 August 2012
    University of Veterinary Medicine
    Vienna / Austria

    This unique symposium is a meeting point for everybody who is interested in physical therapy, sports medicine, rehabilitation, surgery, orthopedic, neurology, biomechanics and motion analysis.

       7th International Symposium of Veterinary Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy
    Garfield is turning back the clock
    In his latest animation, Garfield puts a stop to the affects of middle age and the associated risk of chronic kidney disease, which can cause symptoms in cats aged 7 years and older: Watch the video on YouTube.

    Further Information

       Garfield is turning back the clock




    Study for an academic degree in your chosen discipline: go for the European Master Program!

    The following Master degrees are currently offered:

    Internal Medicine
    Diagnostic Imaging
    Feline Medicine And Surgery


    SEVC 2012

       SEVC 2012
    WVEPAH Education Programs
    Formación Veterinaria Mundial en Patología de los Animales de Producción:
  • Chicken,
  • Turkey,
  • Egg Layer,
  • Water Fowl.
    Information about course programs and registration available at: www.wvepah.org

  •    WVEPAH Education Programs
    22nd European Congress of Veterinary Dentistry and 12th World Veterinary Dental Congress
    23rd‐26th May 2013
    Prague - Czech Republic

    Contnuing Educaton with bite!

       22nd European Congress of Veterinary Dentistry and 12th World Veterinary Dental Congress
    EVDS-EVDC European Veterinary Dental Congress 2014
    The European Veterinary Dental Society (EVDS) and the European Veterinary Dental College (EVDC) are happy to invite you to a very special congress. Combine education with leisure, social life and excursions to special locations along the coast of the Mediterranean see. Take the chance of spending a few days with your family in combination with educating yourself
    The Cruise Dates:
    6-10 May 2014 from Marseille

       EVDS-EVDC European Veterinary Dental Congress 2014
    FECAVA Congress 2014
    Munich/ Germany

    SEVC 2013

    Southern European Veterinary Conference
    17-19 October 2013
    Barcelona, Spain

    Where vets meet in Europe!

    Again in 2013, more than 200 lectures by more than 100 world-wide experts will cover every aspect of companion animal veterinary care.
    Spanish and English are the SEVC’s official languages and simultaneous translation will be provided at all lectures. At some lectures, simultaneous translation into French, Russian, Portuguese and Polish will also be provided.

       SEVC 2013
    ESAVS Courses for the Veterinary Profession - 2015

    Order the ESAVS free information brochure 2015 and learn more about the veterinary intensive training programs in over 20 disciplines in Europe and Asia.
  • Small Animals,
  • Exotic Pets,
  • Equine Medicine

    Course Overview: www.esavs.org

    ACVIM 2014

    Vetmadrid 2014 - Congreso de Veterinarios
    13-15 Marzo 2014
    Centro de Convenciones Norte
    Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I

       Vetmadrid 2014 - Congreso de Veterinarios
    European Veterinary Conference Voorjaarsdagen 2014
    April 17-19, 2014
    Amsterdam / The Netherlands

       European Veterinary Conference Voorjaarsdagen 2014
    CongressMed 2014

       CongressMed 2014
    ESAVS - Neuropathology & MRI

       ESAVS - Neuropathology & MRI


    SEVC 2014
    Southern European Veterinarian Conference

       SEVC 2014
    8th World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology

       8th World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology


    The World Association for Veterinary Dermatology (WAVD) is proud to announce that it has increased the number of scholarships available for financial support to encourage veterinarians with limited access to continuing education in veterinary dermatology to attend WCVD8. 30 scholarships will be funded for 2016.

    There are no geographic restrictions placed on potential applicants, however a particular emphasis will be placed on providing veterinarians with genuine financial need the opportunity to participate in the Congress. The WAVD aims to promote the global development of veterinary dermatology and expects that selected applicants will use knowledge and skills acquired at the Congress to advance veterinary dermatology in their geographic region.

    The scholarship consists of free full registration to WCVD8 and an allowance towards travel and accommodation of US $1000 dollars.

    See the website www.WAVD.org for selection criteria.

    ENQUIRIES: EMAIL: info@wavd.org

    WSAVA 2019

    European Master of Small Animal Veterinary Medicine

       European Master of Small Animal Veterinary Medicine

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