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Number : 56 |
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Date |
Place |
Organisation |
Authors |
Title |
Language/ Extras |
00/00/00 |
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T. Sattler, M. Fürll |
Diagnostic relevancy of the creatine kinase and the aspartate aminotransferase in abomasal displacement |
en |
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M. Fürll, H. Wilken, D. Müller, R. Röpke |
Freies Endotoxin und Endotoxin-Effektoren bei „absolut“ gesunden Kühen verschiedener Leistungsebenen |
de |
00/00/00 |
Wien |
Department of Internal Medicine, Veterinary Faculty Leipzig |
Fürll M., Dabbagh M.N., Kirbach H., Nauruschat C., Sattler T., Wilken H. |
The antioxidative State before and after a diagnosed Abomasal Displacement (DA) in Cows |
en |
00/00/00 |
Sydney |
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Fürll, M. Kastner, A., Fritsche, D., Kleiser, L., Jäkel, L., Krüger, M. |
Interactions between fat and endotoxins (ET) in cowa and its significance for the Abomasal Displacement (DA) |
en |
00/00/00 |
Brno |
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Fürll, M., Wilken, Fürll, B. |
Antioxidativer Status (TEAC) bei gesunden hochträchtigen Schafen |
de |
00/00/00 |
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Fürll, M., Zeyner, A., Vergos, A., Schmitz, M., Buchholz, I., Gropp, J.M. |
Studies on the metabolic state of mares and theit foals during and early period after birth |
en Abstract |
Instructions for Speakers |
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